Friday, June 7, 2013

Getting ready for the 2013 Kiptopeke Cow season

Hey, hey, time to start planning for the Kiptopeke Cows for the December 2013 Season.  Got the room at the Sunset Beach Resort, hopefully room 145 again.  During the interim, I'm recovering from  rotator cuff surgery and Bill is recovering from hip replacement.  So, not much to do other than get gear ready for the coming season.

Mike Smedley made a wind/spray screen for his CE Smith T-top that I may be able to copy.  My cousin Tom Williams, now in TX has upholstery equipment for the sewing.  Got 30 gauge vinyl used for jeep tops and some heavy duty zippers.  Now need some UV tape/piping and thread and appropriate needles.  Sure appreciate any suggestions/information that might be useful for this project.  Mike has a couple of youtube videos about Team Old School fishing stripers in Raritan Bay in May of this year.  Shows a neat bait cutting board, chum grinding, and a grill for some on board cooking.

Still trying to get in contact with Dewayne Lamb at Captain's Quarters (Smith Mountain Lake) to find out what he's up to.  Have some contact with Teacher (Jimmie Beaty and Adam) to encourage getting ready for the season.  Have to get with Bill Fowler to make contact with other Kiptopeke Cow officianodos.


Egg sinkers cast and powder coated.  A pretty nasty looking bunch of lead weights, but the proof will be in the water in December.

Have a few white/red and chartreuse/red just for fun.

So you want to service your own reels?

I wonder if it will ever work like factory?  Purchased off E-Bay, found that it was slightly abused, and well used.  Left cover cracked and level wind shaft cover damaged.  Think some parts are missing.

Shown here is the drag friction washer that runs against a titianium disk.  Must really get hot in operation.  The black disk is a new carbon fiber drag disk that is supposed to run smoother under all conditions.  The Kiptopeke cold puts the Shumano Charter Special to the test as wide variances in temperature make a pronounced difference in the drag.

OK, here is shown the reel in pieces along with my first attempt at changing the drag washer shown above.  Lots of parts and this well used reel seems to have some of the washers missing from the spindle shaft.  Tried to follow the Shumano schematic shown on a web site, but somewhat difficult.  Back together, it works OK, but only a "fish on" will know for sure.  On the right, you can see the bent drive shaft cover that doesn't allow the guide to move properly.  That will be straightened next assembly activity when the reel is lubed.  The interior gears are brass, stainless and it can handle the 65# adversary during the 2013 December season.

Don't have a reel clamp for this reel yet.  A must have for my quarry at 65#s.

Teacher usually sends me a note to remind how many days until fishing.  Now 136 days!  The start of Bill and my reservation at the Sunset Beach Resort is Sunday, the weekend following Thanksgiving.  Would like to arrive at the fishing ground on the 29th .  .  .  maybe wishful thinking.